Telegram is a “Wild West” space where all kinds of profiteering, especially under the guise of crypto “airdrops“, occur. Even the so-called most trusted and highly esteemed groups, like Notcoin, openly support projects that in the end will only disappoint you and could even rob you of your precious time and money.
Well, the highly-praised Notcoin groups actually started a new game called “Not Pixel”. And they’re proud of it.
On December 19, just before the start of Round 10 of their so-called “Telegram Battle” or “tournament” game, thousands—if not millions—of users were met with the most dreaded message of their Not Pixel journey upon logging in.
The Message:
Hello, Mr. Robot!
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
What kind of weirdness and nonsense is this?
In fairness, they provided a link for a supposed “Support for Humans”. If you follow that link you’ll see a channel where thousands of affected users are pleading for account review and unbanning of their accounts.
But it seems that nobody from the devs team is looking into it.
For almost 48 hours, the Not Pixel developers remained eerily silent, seemingly doing nothing to address the chaos caused by their new “anti-bot” script. Instead of serving its intended purpose, the script ended up banning thousands—if not millions—of genuine users.
Instead, they are busy collecting TON under the guise of “Limited-Time Verification.” This new operation itself is plagued with complaints about failed transactions and verification codes not being received.
Is this “Hello, Mr. Robot!” ban a blatant scamming operation, or just a quick and lazy way to get rid of people they don’t want?
Just a quick look at their Telegram support channel suggests that the Not Pixel owners/operators, and developers are either 1) utterly unconcerned or 2) the devs simply don’t know how to fix their own mess. In other words, they’re incompetent programmers.
If assumption 1 is true, then they’re scammers. If assumption 2 is true, their devs could be noobs using ready-made scripts or codes programmed by others and that’s why they have a hard time fixing it promptly.
From the beginning, I have observed that the app has always been laggy and buggy. Their Secret Code feature doesn’t even work properly, failing most of the time.
Why Aren’t the Influencers or “Idolos” Calling It Out?
Simple. They are not affected by this robot mess.
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